In 2022 we saw visitor confidence restored and steady climb in the number of events hosted.
For me, it has been a highlight to see the revival of the Business events industry and the job opportunities within it.
Charles Wilson

2022 Taught us an appreciation for the privilege of face-to-face or in-person interaction.
It was an absolute highlight for me to see my team back on the property interacting with clients during meetings and events.
Cornelle Du Preez
GM: Sales & Coordination
GM: Sales & Coordination

The highlight of the past year for me has definitely been seeing our property busy with events again.
I will never forget the excitement of opening the doors for our very first post-pandemic exhibition this year. Our team could not contain their enthusiasm.
Vusi Nkosi
GM: Operations
GM: Operations

The overall frequency of events, both small and large, have been a highlight for me.
It was pleasing to see a diverse range of people on our premises and how they carried themselves.
My hope is to see more visitors and more events at Gallagher in the coming year.
Peter Ssali
Financial Director